organic products.........
non pesticide foods are definitely more safe for human consumption, you would be a fool to think otherwise, and washing DOES NOTHING for many foods.... did you know that lettuce is one of the food worlds worst...... every single leaf is saturated with the pesticides generally used.....! these chemicals creep in from the root system, and are in every leaf...... organic food is NOT a huge expense, depending on the food...... this country, and even this world is a bit backwards- just think, people spend 30 bucks on fake nails filled with chemicals...... they spend 60 bucks plus on hair cuts and dyes, but they don't give a damn what goes into their own body, they don't want to spend 1 to 3 dollars 'extra' on a bag of ORGANIC fruits and veggies........ -wow- if you are watching every single penny, as most of us are these days, watch the sales, contact the maker of your favorite foods and most will sent you coupons (printed on paper)...... or you can cut out something in your life, way less important than the food that goes into your mouth (aka- gaping pie hole)..........! quite frankly, the word ORGANIC does not mean pesticide free.... there are hundreds of articles about it, just do some research. the word ORGANIC just means it does not use the traditional pesticides..... for the most part, ORGANIC pesticides are worse than if they were injecting the stuff with plutonium.... copper sulfide is the pesticide of choice for organic farmers and growers..... and we should all know how highly TOXIC it is, and unlike DDT and other insecticides it becomes part of the soil, so no matter what- it becomes part of the food..... and that CAN NOT BE WASHED OFF........!