March 5th I decided that I HAD to go pay the farm a visit and show
my support for american aquaculture... especially
one with such a long history in american / californian oyster production,
giving us chefs a variety of oysters sustainably grown and harvested in
different waters, estuaries, bays and inlets on both coasts, east and
left…. having self-distributed these
oysters themselves I have been very fortunate to have (ocean beauty) out of san
francisco get these bivalves up to me when in the northern states several times
a year for several years now…. most of these oysters stay right in the bay area,
and while some of the general public slurps down hog island oysters, they may
want to ask themselves- did the drakes bay oyster company outfit hog island
with the stock being sold as hog island-
cause many a time, drakes has supplied hog island and tomales with
bivalves….. not that this matters, but
drakes bay oyster company does supply the great state of california with over
40% of its consumable raw (and tub) oysters…. welcome
to drakes bay oyster company (aka- the oyster farm), for it IS a farm…… from
the village of point reyes station (home of the famous point reyes blue cheese),
we headed south on main street (shoreline hwy one) and as we left town we went
over a small green bridge- immediately turning right we were on sir francis
drake blvd… we headed the remaining nine and a half miles to the little sign on
the right hand side of the road that reads- DRAKES BAY OYSTER FARM….
Salazar, Secretary of the US Department of the Interior
Secretary Salazar,
Drakes Bay Oyster Farm, a beautiful and productive resource on the Point Reyes Peninsula, is in imminent danger of being a thing of the past. For generations this family farm, completely surrounded by the other family ranches and farms in the working landscape of the Point Reyes National Seashore, has been a popular visitor destination. The oyster farm’s 40-year renewable lease expires on November 30th.
Secretary Salazar, the continuation of this historic oyster farm is critical. Significantly, the National Academy of Sciences found that the oyster farm is NOT degrading the natural resources of Drakes Estero. Future generations depend on your decision to preserve jobs, history, culture, food, education and the environment. Please issue a renewable 10 year permit for the farm’s on-shore buildings as authorized by Congress, support the necessary upgrades to the onshore facilities, and allow the California Department of Fish and Game to continue to lease and regulate the shellfish production as they have since 1934.
Drakes Bay Oyster Farm, a beautiful and productive resource on the Point Reyes Peninsula, is in imminent danger of being a thing of the past. For generations this family farm, completely surrounded by the other family ranches and farms in the working landscape of the Point Reyes National Seashore, has been a popular visitor destination. The oyster farm’s 40-year renewable lease expires on November 30th.
Secretary Salazar, the continuation of this historic oyster farm is critical. Significantly, the National Academy of Sciences found that the oyster farm is NOT degrading the natural resources of Drakes Estero. Future generations depend on your decision to preserve jobs, history, culture, food, education and the environment. Please issue a renewable 10 year permit for the farm’s on-shore buildings as authorized by Congress, support the necessary upgrades to the onshore facilities, and allow the California Department of Fish and Game to continue to lease and regulate the shellfish production as they have since 1934.
Sebastian Carosi
avid drakes bay oyster shucker ‘n slurper…..
IS THE 411…
415.669.1149 open daily 8:30am-4:30pm
sir frances drake boulevard inverness,
marin county california 94937